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Hemp & CBD

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"We wish to give special thanks to the shamans and healers of the Native American Cherokee, Sioux, Apache, Navajo, Iroquois, and Comanche tribes; the shamans and healers of the Quechua, Aymara, Urarina, and Jungle tribes of Peru: Kampa Ashaninka, Aguaruna, Shipibo-Conibo, Kokama-Kokamilla, Chayauit, Tikuna, Machigenga; indigenous healers of Indonesia; healers of India, Tibet, Kashmir who volunteered to be our consultants and testers. Their knowledge and enthusiasm allowed us to create our tobacco-free herbal blends.
  This project is based on research that began in 2005. About 20 years ago during a winter hunt, I happened to meet a "shaman" of the local Cherokee Indians. A friendship was struck up. Subsequently, I became acquainted with the "great circle" of shamans and part-time healers of the Cherokee, Sioux, Navajo, Iroquois, and Apache tribes. Years later, this friendship helped my father live 15 years longer than the best American doctors prescribed. In addition to traditional tobacco, which these tribes have grown and used for many thousands of years, they also use various medicinal herbs including hemp (HEMP) as pure smoking or mixed with tobacco. 
  The colossal experience of several millennia must be worth something yes reasoned my dad and I!!! My dad was a 50 year smoker in the USSR and a couple more years in the US even though he already knew about lung cancer. 

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 In 2005 he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, had about a year to live on the condition of immediate surgery. As a result - operation was done...and doctors guaranteed me max one year of life, but my Dad lived much more, even 15 years (!!!) more, although he was receiving medicines all that time.  My father struggled, there was the heaviest chemotherapy, but he survived and survived many years due to various mixtures of herbs, which periodically sent us Indians, which he either smoked (!!!) or just inhaled the smell of burning herbs and of course the heroic support of my mother Jeanne, my mother until his first and then third stroke was always near my father. He used to say that after another chemotherapy he "didn't want to live", but it was enough to set these mixtures on fire and he was ready to move mountains. 
  Various teas and ointments based on the same herbs also helped, as well as mixtures sent by my friends from Tibet, Kashmir, India, but that's another story. And no matter what the doctors said to me about it being unscientific, he lived, walked, drove a car, drove our mother everywhere when she suffered her first and then second and third stroke due to anxiety about her husband, in general he led an almost full life with a diagnosis of lung cancer of the last stage (4-C) for about 15 years! 

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  Sent to us from all over the world, my father appreciated it very much and always regretted that he didn't have access to such herbal mixtures before, which you can smoke, and the feeling and "satiation" is much more pleasant than from tobacco!!! 
  The disease and my father's wishes gave the impetus to develop this direction, more than 50 blends were created to help smokers. On the one hand, who wants to switch smoothly from tobacco addiction to lighter herbal cigarettes, quit smoking, and on the other hand bring to the world safer cigarettes and mixes, which are both invigorating, and restore the body, and remove toxins, and restore potency at absolutely any age. ...)))), and help permanently quit drinking any alcohol (!!!) including light beer, causing complete denial; help quit smoking in general (for which I was "cursed" by the same "shamans" having a complete aversion to smoking (which is already death to all tobacco companies in the world), and but most importantly without Tobacco! 
 The Military Department has shown interest in blends that increase endurance, enhance memory and concentration in combat conditions, affecting synoptic endings of the brain, demanding exclusive rights compensated by gigantic grants. 

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  During these years our research team traveled to many countries of the world researching what, why, with what, and how who smokes and what effects certain mixtures or herbs cause. The study covered smokers in more than 40 countries, not to mention many tens of millions of costumers.  
  More than 100,000 people took part in the test. And we managed to do NOTHING ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE!!! According to researches of scientists, both in the USA and in other countries of the world NIKOTIN is not addictive!!! However, smoking a cigarette or a cigar itself became an addiction for a smoker. 
  Now it is not just a habit associated with the need for nicotine, but a kind of addictive RITUAL, from which it is hard to give up. Inveterate smokers simply get used to the very act of lighting a cigarette, the meditative inhalation of smoke, perhaps while they have certain positive thoughts, and cigarettes serve as a psychological anchor, which give a message of good mood. Over time, an inveterate smoker develops a conditioned reflex to the very act of smoking. Just think, to perform this ritual 10-20 -30 times every day for many years! 

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  What other similar rituals can compare to this! For example, in the Russian language there are even special words such as "smoking break" and "smoker". And in people's minds, some things, places and concepts are firmly associated with tobacco smoke. From school toilets, stairwells and train vestibules, to the concept of "coffee with a cigarette. And all of this surrounds us every day, making us, contrary to the rules and established laws, potential hostages of CULT and the very RITUAL OF SMOKING. Psychologists recommend creating an option to cheat your feelings, which would be a way out for the smoker. We have created such a thing. We created Cigarettes with absolutely no TABAC!!! Moreover the components of the mixture were selected and selected not only to replace tobacco, but also have a reduced content of their own resins, and thus completely compensate the feeling of "satiety" of smoking and its smell creates a great mood.
   Imagine, you work among smokers, and to solve some issues, or just a five-minute distraction from work, you will find yourself in a smoky environment. Like it or not you will have the urge to smoke. Using our mixes in cigarettes, you automatically wean your body from tobacco cigarettes, reduce the amount of inhaled smoke and tar, stabilize the vital processes of the body, thereby solving the issue of cleaning the body from the "tobacco layers". But most importantly for those working in the team (!!!), you will not be a "WHITE CROWN" among your colleagues, as a sinless saint!!! After all, it does not matter what you smoke, as long as you are with them (!!!) and in the eyes of your colleagues you are part of their "Team"!!!

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  Another, often occurring situation is when in adolescence, young people want to assert themselves by smoking in front of their peers. For students this issue is extremely important (!!!) because again, the non-smoker is a "White Crow", to which there is little trust))). Everything is forbidden is sweet, and it's important for parents who find their kids with cigarettes or who smell tobacco, not to miss this moment. And they can win this situation by allowing (!!!) to smoke our cigarettes!!! After all, our cigarettes can be smoked openly and they are not addictive because they have no TABACA!!! Switching to our cigarettes, can help even pregnant women who can not overcome their addiction to tobacco, and the only chance for such women to start smoking our tobacco-free products. There are few other situations that require such a solution.


The main thing to remember is that our cigarettes DO NOT CREATE addiction and DO NOT poison both YOUR HEALTH AND THE HEALTH OF PEOPLE BESIDE YOU!!!

  As I said before our cigarettes use the experience and knowledge of the shamans and healers of the American Indian tribes: Cherokee, Sioux, Apache, Navajo, Iroquois, Comanches; shamans and healers of the Quechua, Aymara, Urarina and Jungle tribes in Peru: Kampa Ashaninka, Aguaruna, Shipibo Conibo, Kokama Kokamilla, Chikuit, Tikuna, Machigenga; indigenous healers of Indonesia; healers of India, Tibet, Kashmir. All of them do not need "doctors from science", in 99% of cases, enough herbs, but they do not deny that their knowledge can and should be added to scientific medicine, and science should not abandon their knowledge. An example is our cigarette blends!!! An example is simple: the USSR used to produce herbal cigarettes for Asthmatics and Asthma Smokers. 
  The main ingredient was Wormwood. I have read many derisive comments about these cigarettes. I'm sure the fault is not the balanced formulation. I would like to point out that it is Wormwood with its bitterness that is beneficial to the bronchi, naturally affecting them, thereby stopping asthma attacks in Asthmatics. Moreover, in America aerosols for asthmatics are being prepared for release with an extract or extract of Wormwood (!!!) for the FAST relief of an asthmatic attack. We have developed unique smoking blends, based on medicinal herbs, less to help asthmatics, but still having a mild asthma attack relief effect without inhalation, but more to completely replace Tobacco smokers. And to help in the removal of those carcinogenic accumulations from the body, leading to various serious diseases including cancer.
  Here are a few variants of the action of our mixtures, both short term and long term Several of the mixtures have the unique effect of normalizing sleep and even dreams. Smoking a cigarette before going to bed helps you fall asleep easily and sleep soundly until morning. Another option, helps not only fall asleep easily, but also get colorful dreams (according to smokers' reviews).

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  Another option, helps those who have constant stomach problems especially at night. 
  Another option, enhances the "mental" ability to absorb large amounts of data.  
  Another option, relieves the feeling of hunger, helping people with obesity to lose weight. 
  Another option, a mixture for athletes or military, or hunters who like to chase game, according to those testing, they received an influx of increased energy, were more endurance, allowing them to do more work during the day. 
  Another option, the effect of which is that suddenly after a few months of smoking a person has a persistent reflex of aversion to smoking, and he quits smoking. Moreover, a tincture or tea of the components of these herbs causes a persistent effect of aversion to alcohol.  

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  We are not talking about mixtures, which have various preventive actions, removing from the body the toxins, the accumulation of carcinogens as a result of a long period of tobacco production. Only some of the mixtures and their effects on the person are described. In Russia and Europe excellent results show mud baths, mineral springs, etc. It seems not scientific, but very, very effective in the treatment of various diseases!

Various teas, extracts, extracts, morsels, infusions, etc. have both therapeutic and preventive benefits. Indians say that inhaling the smoke of burning medicinal herbs is not less useful, therapeutic and affects the weakened body. This direction both medically and commercially should be intensively developed!


1. The commercial side first of all shows the absence of excise stamps for the sale of our products because they do not contain Tobacco.
2. The possibility of open access to all comers.
3. Possibility of open sale including pharmacy chains as they are actually dietary supplements and aimed at medical direction.
4. Ability to openly advertise these products in contrast to tobacco products, etc.
5. Moral satisfaction from possible assistance in the fight against smoking!
Below are combined questionnaires smokers who switched to our herbal cigarettes over the past 3 years, and what happens in the body smoker of our cigarettes!


  • DAY 1

    What happens:
    The amount of carbon monoxide in the blood is reduced and the transport function of red blood cells is improved. The oxygen content in tissues increases. Decreased appetite, unaccustomed lightness, sleep begins to normalize.

  • DAY 2

    What happens:
    The process of restoration of the bronchial epithelium and mucosa is launched. Intensive processes in the pancreas, secretion of trypsin decreases, mucus production in the stomach decreases. The work of the cardiovascular system of the organism and the supply of pure oxygenated blood without nicotine begins to normalize. Signs of nicotine deficiency are minimal. The cells of the intestinal mucosa begin to be replaced by new ones. Euphoria arises, on the background of not using the usual tobacco cigarettes, Everyday irritability, nervousness recedes, there are bursts of uplifting energy. Reduced appetite and craving for foods to which you were previously indifferent. Processes of normalization of the stomach and the urinary system are launched. Sleep becomes stronger.

  • DAY 3

    What happens:
    The process of restoration of the epithelium and mucosa of the bronchi is going on. Intensive processes in the body increases the level of alkaline fractions of the pancreas, the secretion of trypsin decreases, the production of mucus in the stomach. The work of the cardiovascular system of the body and the supply of pure oxygenated blood without nicotine begins to normalize. The tone of the blood vessels is stabilized. Slight craving for a strong cigarette. Minimal craving for nicotine on a cellular level. Possible some anxiety on the background of the absence as before nicotine surge, minimal urges to return to a tobacco cigarette, i.e. signs of nicotine withdrawal syndrome are minimal or absent. Sleep is deep, but with frequent interruptions, anxiety is absent. There is a feeling of nibbling on a sweet fruit to which you were previously indifferent.

  • DAY 4

    What's going on:
    The recovery process in the body continues. First of all the process of work of the cardiovascular system of the body and supplying the body with pure blood saturated with oxygen without nicotine and carcinogens and mutagens. There is still a process of restoration of the tone of blood vessels, restoration of epithelium and bronchial mucosa, the brain receives more blood and approaches the normal level. Restoration processes in the stomach and pancreas. Production of antidiuretic hormone is normalized. Lung processes continue, bronchial secretion normalizes. Aggressiveness and irritability inherent in the smoker of tobacco cigarettes decreases. The mood is stable, cheerful and slightly euphoric. Minimal craving for a nicotine cigarette. Sleep is normal. Normalization of urination. Appetite is fine, craving for certain products previously completely ignored is noted. Giving up nicotine and tobacco itself may cause some swelling of fingers, hands, feet, which will pass within a few days.

  • DAY 5

    What's going on:
    The recovery process in the body continues. The skin of the body begins to change, the body cleanses itself of nicotine and mutagenic components. Perennial skin blemishes begin to pale. The tone of the blood vessels in the body strengthens. There is a desire to smoke a heavy nicotine cigarette. Sleep is excellent. Food takes on a forgotten clean and real taste especially spicy cheeses, smoked, southern fruits pomegranate, persimmon, tangerines, oranges, grapefruit. Coughing is possible, and coughing secretes thick, mucus. Conventionally on this day for the first time all the cells of "white" blood (granulocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, macrophages, etc.) are grown without exposure to nicotine. Mood is stable cheerful slightly euphoric.

  • DAY 6

    What's going on:
    The restorative process in the body continues. First of all, the process of work of the cardiovascular system of the body and supplying the body with pure blood saturated with oxygen without nicotine and without carcinogens and mutagens. There is still a process of restoration of
    the tone of the blood vessels. Mucus secretion during coughing increases. Reconstructive processes in the bronchi take place. The activity of the stomach and pancreas is normalized. Minor temporary disorders of gallbladder and duodenum due to refusal of nicotine. Possible
    craving to smoke a stronger tobacco cigarette is a withdrawal syndrome "nicotine shock jolts't; when smoking a standard cigarette with tobacco. Increased sweating during physical exertion. Rejection of fatty foods, "can't see it... brrrrr." Increased thirst is noted, you drink more you pee more!!! Reason for beginning to normalize and restore kidney function. Mood is stable cheerful as ever.

  • DAY 7

    What's going on:
    A turning point for the body has begun in terms of giving up the "nicotine hits" and stopping the intake of tobacco mutagens and carcinogens into the body. The short phase of the body's refusal to become completely addicted to nicotine doping has begun. The cardiovascular system is still recovering, as well as the lungs, thick mucus is still coming out, and the process is not fast.
    Possible urges to smoke tobacco cigarettes. Possible non-standard thoughts about trying a cigar or a cigarillo, albeit a more expensive one. The mood is stable and cheerful.

  • DAY 8

    The restorative process in the body goes on. First of all, the process of work of the cardiovascular system of the organism and supplying the rganism with pure blood saturated with oxygen without any nicotine or carcinogens and mutagens. There is still the process of restoring the tone of the blood vessels, the restorative processes in the lungs. If before you started smoking our cigarettes it seemed that there was swelling of the face, hands, fingers "and everything in general" it starts to go away shockingly. The taste and olfactory receptors are strengthened. Food acquired taste and aroma, appetite excellent but without overdoing it. Thoughts of smoking a cigar continue. The mood is stable and cheerful.

  • DAY 9

    The repairing process in the body is going on. The hematopoiesis is improving. Still thoughts of a cigar, but minimal. No discomfort among smokers, you are still "your own" and not a "black sheep", although the smoke of a tobacco cigarette becomes an unpleasant sensation. Food is still pleasing with new sensations and depth of taste and aroma, appetite is excellent but without overdoing it. The mood is stable and cheerful.

  • DAY 10-15

    The restorative process in the body continues. First of all, the process of work of the cardiovascular system of the body and supplying the body with pure blood saturated with oxygen without nicotine and carcinogens and mutagens. There is still a process of restoration of the tone of blood vessels, restoration of the epithelium and bronchial mucosa, the brain begins to restore functionality as in the days of youth before smoking tobacco cigarettes and is approaching normal levels. The stomach and pancreas regenerate. The lungs and blood vessels continue to rebuild, conditionally "today" the immune system recovery process has begun. The smell of tobacco cigarettes evokes mixed feelings from dislike to deep regret about what nasty things are smoked around. Coughing and expectoration of mucus continues, lumps of light yellow or gray
    color, with an unpleasant smell, more often these are plugs from the sinuses of the tonsils or bronchial epithelium. The mood is stable and cheerful.

  • DAY 16-30

    The process of restoration of the skin of the body has begun, the tone of the small vessels delivering arterial blood directly to the tissues has increased. Swelling of the fingers is possible. Hormonal restoration began. Increased libido in both men and women, thoughts of previously inadmissible things, desires to fool around in spite of age and position. Increased excitability, strangeness of sensations. The main thing is not to lose your head and not to do something stupid))))

  • DAY 31-44

    Restorative process in the body continues. First of all the process of work of cardiovascular system of organism and supplying of organism with pure blood enriched with oxygen without nicotine and carcinogens and mutagens. There is still a process of restoration of the tone of bloodvessels. Vascular walls receive sufficient nutrition, their tissues, especially endothelium, begin to regenerate. Libido began to bring more and more sensations. Increased excitability, singularity of sensations. The smell of a tobacco cigarette makes you feel irritated by the nastiness that otherpeople smoke. Food still pleases with new sensations and depth of taste and aroma, appetite excellent but without overdoing it. The mood is stable and cheerful.

  • DAY 45-60

    Cough decreased or disappeared, clear mucus when coughing up. The restorative process of work of cardiovascular system of an organism and supplying of pure blood saturated with oxygen without nicotine and without carcinogens and mutagens goes on. There is still a process of restoration of the tone of blood vessels. Vascular walls receive sufficient nutrition, their tissues begin to regenerate. The libido is heightened wanting new things in life. The smell of a tobacco cigarette causes feelings of irritation from the nastiness that other people smoke. Food still pleases with new sensations and depth of taste and aroma, appetite is excellent, but without overdoing it. Mood is stable cheerful and sometimes sexually preoccupied, as in the days of youth.

  • DAY 60-90

    The next three months are the most enjoyable especially for women. The skin cells have gone through three or four cycles of renewal, and the unhealthy yellowness is noticeably diminished, the dryness of the skin is gone. The endothelium of skin vessels from the second month consists
    of 50-70% new cells and the renewal process continues. The lungs continue to recover at the cellular level. Periodic coughing and clear mucus when coughing up. Libido is elevated wanting new things in life. Food is still pleasing with new sensations and depth of taste and aroma, appetite is excellent. Mood is stable and alert. There is a feeling of vivacity and mischief....

  • DAYS from 90 – to the 12th month inclusive

    The restorative process in the body continues. First of all, the process of work of the cardiovascular system of the organism. Now the risk of heart attack is reduced by 50% (!!!) compared to the same day when you first started smoking our cigarettes. Risk of stroke - by 30%. The risk of cancer is also reduced: if you exclude other risk factors, the probability of lung and liver cancer is reduced by almost 50-70%, esophagus, stomach - by 50%, etc. Regeneration of liver cells continues - over the next 6-7 months it will go faster and faster, making the liver work more effectively. Blood circulates in the body whose cells have not been exposed to nicotine. They are functioning, actively carrying oxygen. The laboratory indicators ofthe blood picture are excellent. Many people note that it became easier to breathe, as if "the second breath opened" which indicates the active restoration of the bronchopulmonary system and their effective purification. My weight normalized, I lost extra pounds on my own.To enhance the effect of recovery, and for someone to add weight loss, many people start to exercise intensively. Running, cycling, aerobics, walking, gym classes, power sports, etc.